40 Hour PT Plus Daily PT Rule

40 Hour PT Plus Daily PT Rule

Premium Time Rule Settings 

How to Set PT Settings for the 40 Hour + Daily Optional Premium Time Rule 

This setting will bill PT as Follows -

  • Be sure to set the day of the week the project started or the date of the first day the labor started.

  • First 40 Hours Daily will be Billed at Regular Hourly Rate - Be Sure to Set for 5 or 7 Days ( Un-check to Bill Premium Time for Saturday and Sunday - Check box for 7 days - Un-check for 5 days) 

  • After 40 Hours Daily PT will be billed at the PR Factor as it is set

  • Check the box to Enable Additional Daily PT Rules (Optional) - As shown 8 Hours and 12 Hours

  • Example:  You need to set the main PT rule to 40 Hours 7 Days as shown then add (2) additional Daily PT rules. The first is set at 8 Hours and the second is set at 12 hours with a PR factor of 2.000.  The program will bill the first 8 Hours as Regular Time and then any hour from 8 to 12 at the PR factor set default is 1.5 and then any hour from 12+ billed at PR factor 2.000 by default.  Then after 40 hours all PT but still follows the 12 hour PT rule on a daily basis.

  • You can choose to exclude the daily PT hours from the 40 Regular Hours - (see image below for this set up)  Or un-check to include these in 40 Hour Count

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