Administrative File
Estimate Administration
This is the first screen that appears when you click on "OPEN INPUT PAGES"
- Open Input Pages - Each Estimate Category is Located Under Each Tab located at the top of the page (see image below)
Start with Admin Screen
- Information on the Estimate Administration Dialog is used on the Estimate Review Pages and Other Reports - If you make changes remember to click the ENTER button and not the SAVE CHANGES - this is only used if you are creating a New Admin File.
The Administrative file is broken up into six main categories of information:
- Contractor Details (Green) - These fields are used to capture the contractor information, including Address, Tax ID, Phone Number, Project Manager, Remit Payment Address, and Account Manager Details
- Client Details (Red) - These fields are used to capture the details and information for the client’s address, point of contact and phone number.
- Project Details (Blue) - These fields capture information pertaining to the project, including the designated name, location, job number, claim number, work order number, and the type of loss.
- Estimate Details (Yellow) - These fields capture information that applies specifically to the estimate, including the creator of the estimate and Invoice date
- Additional Details (Purple) - Additional items can be accessed, and added to the estimate using these features: Additional Billing Fees, Off-site Support Fee, and Estimate Cover sheets.
- Dialog Functions (Gray) - Functions of the dialog include the import/export, save changes and enter changes button.
How to Create an Admin File
- To create an Admin File, complete the blanks for the following (all in green boxes shown above):
- Company Name
- Office Address
- City, State, Zip
- Tax ID Number
- Phone Number
- Three blanks in Remit Payment box
- Click Export/Save Admin Settings File
- Save this file with YourCompanyName-Admin (It is VERY important to add ADMIN to the file name to avoid confusion) Example: ABCRestoration-Admin
- The other areas of the Admin File can be completed once you start a New Estimate for a project
SET UP ESTIMATE COVER SHEETS - Found on the Estimate Administration Page (see image below)
- This is designed to allow user to upload up to (2) logos one for the right and left side of the top of the page
- Be sure to use the correct size logo and correct format (size 285px x 70px) Format must be a .bmp (bitmap)
- Enter your Company Slogan (Optional)
- Modify the Cover sheet Titles (Optional)
- Once you are complete Click ENTER to create the Billing Cover sheets - These will print with the Estimate
SET UP OFF-SITE LOGISTICAL SUPPORT FEE - Found on the Estimate Administration Page (see image below)
Off-Site Logistical Support (Mobilization) Fee
- This is designed to allow user to add a Mobilization Fee to the estimate for their out of town projects
- Do not mistake this as a way to estimate mobilization of equipment, labor, etc...
- This is designed to cover overhead of the offices that are supporting offsite crews, logistics, etc.. that you are not estimating for in labor and other categories.
- First, Set the Percentage amount for Off-Site Logistical Support on the Project Settings Dialog
- To have it appear on the Estimate, make sure the Percentage is Set on Project Settings and the box on Admin page is checked for "Yes" (see image below)