Generate Reimbursables Grid File
Very Important: To avoid possible data loss or corruption of file -
You must use the same T&M Go program used to export the Grid Reports for
- Once you have uploaded your Price Data and Project Settings File user can
Generate a Reimbursables Grid File.
- This is created and exported to Excel and
contains all the Special Materials Items found in the uploaded price list.
- User
can fill this out in excel then Import back into the program T&M Go using
the Import Subcontractor File Function found in the main program File Menu.
Generate Reimbursables Grid File
Example of a Reimbursables Grid File created by T&M Go.
To Import - see image below
You will get a message when you click on the above menu item - see
image below
- If you select Yes - The Table in T&M Go ALL items will be removed
and replaced with the Import items
- If you select No - The import will add to the existing table and the
new items you are importing will be added
Example with Data for Reimbursables Grid File Filled Out - This can
be imported back into T&M Go