Project Settings - Generator Worksheet

Project Settings - Generator Worksheet

How to Generator Worksheet
  • To access the Generator Worksheet, Click the "Open Generator Worksheet" Button in the Project Settings.
  • This will open the Generator Worksheet Dialog
  • The Generator Worksheet is based on size, load, and time run

Generator Input Page

Add Generator
  • To add a Generator, select the Add Button on the Generator Worksheet dialog.
  • In the Add dialog, you put the size and fuel per hour (in gallons) amounts
  • Once you have enter all information for the Generator, Click the Enter button.

Modify Generator
  • To Modify a Generator, select the Generator you wish to Modify. Select the Modify Button on the Generator Worksheet dialog.
  • Then Modify any input for that Generator
  • Once you have Modified, Click the "Enter" button

Remove Generator
  • To Remove a Generator, select the Generator you with to Remove. Select the Remove Button on the Generator Worksheet dialog.
  • Select "Yes" to remove the Generator.
  • To cancel, select "No"

Import Generator
  • To Import a Generator list, Select the "Import" button on the right side.
  • This will allow you to Import a list of Generators from an Excel Template
  • Once you import these, you can close the dialog.

Export Generator
  • To Export a Generator list, Select the "Export" button on the right side.
  • This will allow you to Export a list of Generators to an Excel Template 
  • User can ADD | MODIFY | REMOVE -  Generator Size and Load to list and then import back into program without importing duplicates

Excel® Export Examples of Generator Worksheet Listed 
  1. This is an actual copy of an export of Markup Type Descriptions - User can ADD | MODIFY | REMOVE from this spreadsheet 
  2. User CANNOT modify the headers found on Line # 1  - This must remain in place as it is with NO CHANGES
  3. User can continue to ADD to this list and Import without importing duplications.  

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