Import and Export Project Settings

Import and Export Project Settings

Project Settings - Import and Export Project Settings File

User can create multiple Project Setting Files - Specific to:

  • Standard T & M Agreement

  • Specific to Client

  • Specific to Project

  • Unlimited Project Setting Files can be created 

  1. You can complete the project settings dialog to conform to your standard T&M contract or a specific client, project or special circumstances. 
  2. Once you have completed the set up for the project settings then you can Export this to a Folder and name it specific to your company, client, project, etc... 
  3. Then the next time you have a loss you can import this file into the CREATE NEW BILL dialog to use to create the bill for the loss.  
  4. Remember you can have unlimited Project Settings File. 
  5. When you Export and Save this file be sure to include in File Name ProSet or ProjectSettings so you can identify this when you need to import this into the CREATE NEW BILL DIALOG

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