Labor Data Input

Labor Data Input

Understanding Labor Data Input into T&M Go

Labor can be complex due to all the billable data that can be associated with each labor input. T&M Go allows you to identify each of these items that are also found on the T&M Pro Labor Input Dialog.   

Data Input Items available for Labor - It is important to understand the requirements for each item listed below.
  1. Name - Labor Name - If you use the Labor Names import the Labor Names will appear in the drop down - If you manually input the Labor Name it will be added to the Dropbox for this project file.
  2. Date - Enter the date that you are entering the data for; must be in the format of Month/Day/Year (2/4/2018). If you enter the date on the Settings Page it will be the default date. You can add the date to the first line then place mouse cursor over date and right click and then click on Set all columns to this value and the date will be set automatically
  3. Title - This is the Labor Class - Labor classes will be available in the drop down. These are extracted from the price data file you uploaded into the T&M Go project.
  4. Work Description - This is an optional data entry. The Work Descriptions will be available if they are present in the Project Settings File you Uploaded. This can also accept a new work description that may not be found in the project settings that is uploaded. To do this double click on the work description and then you can type in the new work description.  You will need to have the project settings file updated in T&M Pro to reflect the new work description.
  5. Time In | Time Out | Time Lunch - VERY IMPORTANT TIME ENTRY FORMATS SEE TABLE AND EXAMPLES BELOW - Enter the Time In the correct format as shown in the time formats below.  If your time is the same for all or most entries you can set the time for the first labor input and then place mouse over the time for each column and right click then click on Copy and then select the cells that you want to paste this into. To select cells click on first cell then hold the SHIFT or CTRL key to select multiple cells then click Paste
  6. Total  Hours - This will be automatically populated by the program once the Time In | Time Out | Lunch Time is Entered.  The Total hours will be automatically adjusted to the proper Format by the program. T&M Pro will automatically convert the hours to the proper settings for Regular and Overtime Hours.
  7. Prevailing Wage- If you are using the T&M Pro Prevailing Wage Version you can Identify the Labor for Prevailing Wage by Checking the box. The Price Data File MUST have a Benefit Rate or this will be ignored during the Import into T&M Pro - Prevailing Wage Version.
  8. Vehicles - This will display the vehicles that were included in the project settings file you uploaded for this T&M Go project. This can also accept new Vehicles that may not be found in the project settings that is uploaded. To do this double click on the Vehicles text box and then you can type in the new Vehicle. If you add a new vehicle that is not in the drop down then you must have the project settings file updated in T&M Pro for the vehicle to be included in the actual bill.  
  9. Mileage - If you are billing Mileage, enter the mileage for the vehicle
  10. Vehicle # - If you are using a vehicle number - Enter it here
  11. Hotel - This will display the Hotels that were included in the project settings file you uploaded for this T&M Go project.  This will only include Hotels to bill at 100%  rate factor and single occupant.  You can modify this once it is uploaded into T&M Pro. This can also accept a new Hotels that may not be found in the project settings that is uploaded. To do this double click on the Hotels text box and then you can type in the new Hotel name. If you add a new Hotel that is not in the drop down then you must have the project settings file updated in T&M Pro for the Hotel to be included in the actual bill.  
  12. LBRID -  You can enter a labor identifier (Optional)
  13. Labor Company - You can Enter a Labor Company that Appears in the Drop Down - this is for the Project Cost Function found in T&M Pro - (Optional) - This can also accept a new Labor Companies that may not be found in the project settings that is uploaded. To do this double click on the Labor Company text box and then you can type in the new Labor Company name.  If you add a new Labor Company that is not in the drop down then you must have the project settings file updated in T&M Pro for the Labor Company to be included in the actual bill. 
  14. Small Tools - If you want to bill Small Tools for the labor input - Check the Box
  15. Per Diem - If you want to bill Per Diem for the labor input - Check the Box
  16. Lodging - If you want to bill Lodging for the labor input - Check the Box - This is not the same as Hotels - This is a Lodging Allowance that is set up on the price data file - It is used when you have an agreement to bill a lodging allowance per labor class. Do not use this and Hotels for the same entry.
  17. Include PPE - If you want to bill PPE for the labor input - Check the Box
  18. Include PRP - If you want to bill PRP for the labor input - Check the Box
  19. Include PFP - If you want to bill PFP for the labor input - Check the Box
  20. Manager - If you are tracking Manager to Labor Ratio - Only Check this Box for Managers
  21. Allocation #1 - Allocation #6 - You can input Allocation References - You can input the first one then use the copy and paste to add to the other inputs.
  22. Sort Value - REQUIRED and values must be greater than "0" This will automatically fill out based on the sort value set in the price data file uploaded.  User can change this if needed but not required. If you use the labor spreadsheet you must put a value for sort value. Do NOT leave blank at least enter a value of "1". This can be used for all labor entries but we recommend that you match the sort value in the price list for each labor class used.
  23. Category | Phase Code | Description - If you are using Phase Codes - Enter these here - These must match 100% to the Phase Codes that will be used in bill. You can input the first one then use the copy and paste to add to the other inputs.
  24. Labor Notes - You can enter a labor note here - You are limited to the number of characters so be sure to be brief in your note input.
  25. Room # - You can enter a room number for your Hotel


EXAMPLE - Labor Works from 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM with a .30 Minute Break - Enter Time In as 8.30  Enter Break as .30 Enter Time Out as 17.30.  Total Hours will auto-populate in the correct format.  It will convert the minutes automatically to the correct format. DO NOT USE SEMICOLONS.  


  1. Once the Report is Imported into T&M Pro the program will automatically convert Total Time to the correct format

Understanding the Time Entry Format - Very Important
Enter the Time In | Time Out | Lunch using the Format as shown above
The Program will do the calculation for Total Hours once you enter the Time In | Time Out | Lunch
  • Can I just input Total Hours? Yes, Time In | Time Out | Lunch is optional input

The Labor Field Sheet - Created by T&M Go

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