Project Settings - Overtime Rules and Settings

Project Settings - Overtime Rules and Settings

Overtime Rules and Settings

Below is the Overtime Settings Dialog

How to Set OT Settings for the 8 Hour 7 Day Overtime Rule
This setting will bill OT as Follows -
  1. First 8 Hours Daily will be Billed at Regular Hourly Rate - 7 Days Per Week (Monday - Sunday)
  2. After  8 Hours Daily OT will be billed at the OT Factor as it is set 
  3. Per Image Below All OT Factors are set at 1.500 x Regular Hourly Rate 

How to Set OT Settings for the 8 Hour 5 Day Overtime Rule
This setting will bill OT as Follows -
  1. First 8 Hours Daily will be Billed at Regular Hourly Rate - 5 Days Per Week (Monday - Friday)
  2. After 8 Hours Daily OT will be billed at the OT Factor as it is set
  3. Saturday and Sunday will be billed at Full Overtime regardless of hours worked 
  4. All OT Factors are set at 1.500 x Regular Hourly Rate 

How to Set OT Settings for the following Multiple OT Rules:

8 Hour OT Rule for all 7 Days PLUS a 12 Hour OT Rule also applied daily
Important Note: 12 Hour OT Rule Only Works With the 8 Hour Rule
This setting will bill OT as Follows -
  • First 8 Hours Daily will be Billed at Regular Hourly Rate - 7 Days Per Week (Monday - Sunday)
  • From 8 to 12 Hours Daily OT will be billed at the OT Factor as it is set
  • After 12 Hours Daily OT will be billed at the OT Factor as it is set for the 12 Hour OT Rule (see below)  
  • All OT Factors are set at 1.500 x Regular Hourly Rate for the 8 Hour Rule and 2.000 for the 12 Hour Rule

8 Hour OT Rule for 5 Days PLUS a 12 Hour OT Rule also applied daily
Important Note: 12 Hour OT Rule Only Works With the 8 Hour Rule
This setting will bill OT as Follows -
  • First 8 Hours Daily will be Billed at Regular Hourly Rate - 5 Days Per Week (Monday - Friday)
  • From 8 to 12 Hours Daily OT will be billed at the OT Factor as it is set
  • After 12 Hours Daily OT will be billed at the OT Factor as it is set for the 12 Hour OT Rule (see below)
  • Saturday and Sunday will be billed at Full Overtime regardless of hours worked 
  • All OT Factors are set at 1.500 x Regular Hourly Rate for the 8 Hour Rule and 2.000 for the 12 Hour Rule

How to Set OT Settings for the 40 Hour 7 Day Overtime Rule
This setting will bill OT as Follows -
  • Be sure to set the day of the week the project started or the date of the first day the labor started.
  • First 40 Hours Daily will be Billed at Regular Hourly Rate - 7 Days Per Week (Monday - Sunday)
  • After 40 Hours Daily OT will be billed at the OT Factor as it is set 
  • All OT Factors are set at 1.500 x Regular Hourly Rate 

How to Set OT Settings for the 40 Hour 5 Day Overtime Rule
This setting will bill OT as Follows -
  • Be sure to set the day of the week the project started or the date of the first day the labor started.
  • First 40 Hours Daily will be Billed at Regular Hourly Rate - 5 Days Per Week (Monday - Friday)
  • After 40 Hours Daily OT will be billed at the OT Factor as it is set
  • Saturday and Sunday are Billed Full Overtime at the OT Factors Set  
  • All OT Factors are set at 1.500 x Regular Hourly Rate 

How to Set OT Settings for the 40 Hour + Daily Optional Overtime Rule
This setting will bill OT as Follows -
  • Be sure to set the day of the week the project started or the date of the first day the labor started.
  • First 40 Hours Daily will be Billed at Regular Hourly Rate - Be Sure to Set for 5 or 7 Days ( Un-check to Bill Overtime for Saturday and Sunday - Check box for 7 days - Un-check for 5 days)
  • After 40 Hours Daily OT will be billed at the OT Factor as it is set
  • Check the box to Enable Additional Daily OT Rule (Optional) - As shown 8 Hours (Could also be 12 Hours)
  • You can choose to exclude the daily OT hours from the 40 Regular Hours - (see image below for this set up)  Or un-check to include these in 40 Hour Count

How to Set OT Settings for the Special OT Rule - Override to Default Rule for Specific Labor Input Only
  1. To Use Special OT - Check Box found on Labor Input Dialog for Apply Special OT Rule

This setting will bill OT as Follows -
  1. Special Overtime Rule - Specific to Single Labor Input Only - This will override DEFAULT OT RULE when used
  2. User must Check Box to "Enable This OT Rule" (see image below)
  3. User must set up this rule - see example set up below -  It is set to bill as follows
  4. First 8 Hours Bill Regular Rate - Then from 8 Hours to 10 Hours it bills OT at 1.500 factor and then 10+ Hours bills OT at 2.000 factor
  • IMPORTANT NOTE Each Rule must have an Hourly Value.  Do Not Leave any Hours at 0.00 or the OT will not be processed correctly.  Each of these values are processed by the program.  If you leave one at 0.00 then the program will still process this.  Even if you have no OT Rule for the second additional rule then you must still enter value and it can match the first OT special Rule.   Example. Lets say the rule is only one OT value and that is Regular Rate to 10 Hours then OT with a factor of 1.5 after 10  Then you should set up the Special OT Rule as "Set Daily Regular Hours" to 10  "Bill Overtime That Exceed Regular Hours at the Factor" 1.500  Then for the next rule you would Enter "Additional OT starts after" 10 "Hours at this factor" 1.500

If you used the Special OT Rules and Need to Remove them from your bill / inputs follow instructions below
  1. Go back to each input and modify to un-check the box for Apply Special OT Rule 
  2. Once you have completed this for every input, go to the Overtime Settings
  3. Un-check "Enable the OT Rule" 
  4. Click on the ENTER button to go back to project settings
  5. Click the ENTER Button to refresh the bill with the new settings.
How to Set OT Settings for After Hours - THIS IS VALID FOR ALL OT RULES
  • Add After Hours OT Rule - From 5:00pm to 8:00am (Military Format 17.00pm - 8.00am)
  • IMPORTANT NOTE: No Need to Check ANY of the "All Day Overtime Factor - This is already set on the Main Overtime Rule you are Using.  If you have this checked - Be Sure to Un-check It
IMPORTANT NOTE:  The Lunch Start and Lunch End is NOT included in any Export or Import Function.  If you are using Lunch Start and Lunch End as Required DO NOT USE the Export or Import Function.

IMPORTANT NOTE ABOUT AFTER HOURS OT RULE - You can add this to any OT Rule as shown below - You MUST have ALL Days included as shown below even if you want Saturday and Sunday as ALL Overtime - You will decide this on the main OT RULE by un-checking the box.

How to Set Up Holiday Rule
This setting will bill Holiday as Follows -
  • This is where you will set up the Holiday OT Factor Rule  (see image below)
  • The current image show that Holidays are billed at an OT Factor of 2.000 x Regular Hourly Rate
  • If you want to Exclude Holiday Hours from 40 Hour Calculation if you are using the 40 Hour OT Rule then check the box.  You can always change this anytime

How to Modify OT Factors 
  1. User can modify OT Factors ANYTIME 
  2. Modifications can be made to One or More 
  3. Once Modifications are made User MUST click on the button "APPLY REVISED OT FACTORS" to apply to bill (see image below)
Important Note: If you Modify OT Rate Factors, you MUST click on the APPLY REVISED OT RATE FACTORS button then click on the ENTER button. This will refresh the estimate total with the new OT Rate Factors

OT Estimate Page Headers - Modify
  1. The Overtime Page in the Estimate Summary includes columns that define OT Factors for the Estimate.  If you change these, then you can also change these on this Estimate page.
Here is how it is displayed on Overtime Page 

To Modify These to Match the Billed OT Factors - From the OT Settings Dialog Locate the "OVERTIME BILLING PAGES HEADERS" (see image below)
  1. Change these to Match Revised OT Factors then Click ENTER on the OT Settings Dialog and ENTER on the Project Settings Dialog

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