Pro Rate and Duplication Rule

Pro Rate and Duplication Rule

Project Settings - Pro-Rate and Duplication Rule

About Pro-Rate Feature
  • Pro-Rate Feature Defined - Program will automatically Pro Rate all Associated Fees based on an 8 Hour Day 

  • Example - Daily Rate for Truck is $50.00 Labor works 4 hours - Program Bills $25.00 

  • If labor works more than 8 Hours in a day then program caps the item to daily rate.

  • If User Disables, then the program would have billed the vehicle at full daily rate of $50.00

About Duplication Feature
  • Duplication Feature can only be disabled on a temporary basis.  Default is always Enabled

  • When a User enters a duplicate entry program will flag entry by highlighting it Yellow. (see image below)

Why would you disable the Duplication Rule?  You may be working on a bill that a labor works on different allocations or labor classes which require you to enter labor multiple times in the same day.

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