Project Cost can be set up with cost and percentages. The Best way is to Export Price List to Excel and then Import it back into the program to convert to the bdata file.
Setting up the Price List to Include Cost for the following:
Specialty Items
Example of Price List with Cost Applied
Apply the actual cost in the cost columns on the Excel Spreadsheet as Shown Below
You can Also Use the Percentage Function instead of the Actual Cost as shown above
Labor Cost is defined per Labor Class - This will calculate cost against the labor class being billed. It is never a good idea to put an employees real cost down as it can be viewed by others. So the rule of entering labor cost is by an overall average. The purpose of the cost module to give a project manager a tool to manage a projects cost since most accounting systems are several weeks behind a project.
To set up Labor Cost
Open the Labor Company Cost Set Up - See Image Below
Click ADD on the Cost (LABOR) Dialog
Enter the Company or Abbreviated Company Name the Labor Works for
Choose Labor Class
Fill out the Information for Regular Rate and OT Rate Factor you are paying
You have to do this for Every Labor Class and Every Company you will be scheduling Labor for working on the Project
Each Time you Enter a Labor it will Post in the Cost Table as shown below
We always recommend you select OT Rule as Billed - As this will follow the same OT Rule you are using in the bill
You will need to pick the labor company for each labor input, and it will post the cost to the Project Cost Manager.