Purchase T&M Pro Programs

Purchase T&M Pro Programs

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Go to our Purchase Now Webpage  - Be sure to read about our programs below and choose the correct version on our Purchase Now Page.

T&M Pro Suite Time and Material Programs

  • T&M Pro - Admin Version - This version offers a feature that will allow you to password protect your price data file.  This will lock the price list from users making unauthorized changes and if changes are needed they will need the password to unlock the price data file.  The password is created with the ADMIN version.  
  • T&M Pro - User Version - This version offers all the same functions and features but without the ability to create a password for the price data file.  It offers a function to allow the user to enter the password to unlock a price file that was locked by the ADMIN version.
  • T&M Pro Prevailing Wage - Admin Version - This version allows the functions to bill Prevailing Wage and Non- Prevailing Wage project. You can bill Prevailing Wage and Non-Prevailing wage within the same bill. The prevailing was function allows you to identify the benefits side of the hourly rate per labor class.  The program will bill the Hourly Rate with OT and bill the Benefits Rate at Regular Hours Only. The Admin Version of this program contains all the features and functions as the T&M Pro Admin version allowing you to protect the Price Data file with a password as described above.
  • T&M Pro Prevailing Wage - User Version - This version allows the functions to bill Prevailing Wage and Non- Prevailing Wage project. You can bill Prevailing Wage and Non-Prevailing wage within the same bill. The prevailing was function allows you to identify the benefits side of the hourly rate per labor class. The program will bill the Hourly Rate with OT and bill the Benefits Rate at Regular Hours Only. The User Version of this program offers a function to allow the user to enter the password to unlock a price file that was locked by the ADMIN version.
  • T&M Estimator - This program creates a true T&M Estimate using the same data files that you will use to bill the project with any of the T&M Pro versions. This creates a fully detailed T&M Estimate that can be used for NTE or ROM's. If you purchase T&M Estimator with any of the T&M Pro version you save $100.00 on the subscription rate.

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