Understanding Program Menu Items

Understanding Program Menu Items

Understanding Program Menu Items

T&M Go Menu Items Defined
  1. Open T&M Go File - Open Saved Project File
  2. Close T&M Go File - Use this to close the project file you are working on. This will close the file and if you have not saved changes, a message will appear asking you to save
  3. Save T&M Go File As - Use to save the project with a file name. Do not modify file extension in any way - (*.tmgo). Do not use capital letters for file extension it must be saved as tmgo and not TMGO.
  4. Save T&M Go File - Save Project - This is used after you have saved the T&M Go project with a file name
  5. Upload Price Data File - User will upload the Price Data File - This should be the same price data file that will be used to bill the project in T&M Pro. If you find you need to change the price data file you can upload another one into the T&M Go project. Important Note: If you do upload another price file it will overwrite the price file already uploaded. If the items are different you may need to make modifications to your data input.
  6. Upload Project Settings File - User will import the Project Settings File - This should be the same project settings file that will be used to bill the project in T&M Pro
  7. Generate Empty Labor Report File - This will create an empty Labor Report template in an Excel file - User can fill this out and Import the report into T&M Go. This will eliminate the need to input labor manually into T&M Go.
  8. Generate Materials Grid File - This will create an Excel Spreadsheet that will contain all the material items found in the uploaded price file. User can fill this out in excel and import back into T&M Go using the Import Materials File
  9. Generate Equipment Grid File - This will create an Excel Spreadsheet that will contain all the equipment items found in the uploaded price file. User can fill this out in excel and import back into T&M Go using the Import Equipment File
  10. Generate Special Materials Grid File - This will create an Excel Spreadsheet that will contain all the special material items found in the uploaded price file.  User can fill this out in excel and import back into T&M Go using the Import Special Materials File
  11. Import Labor Names - User can upload Labor Names
  12. Import Labor Report - This is the spreadsheet that can be filled out in Excel and Imported into T&M Go. You can get an Empty Template see below (Generate Empty Labor Report File)
  13. Import Daily Summary - This is the same report that you exported to Excel from the Generate Reports for T&M Pro - User can fill this out in Excel and then Import back into T&M Go using this function
  14. Import Materials File - This is the same file you generated using the Generate Materials Grid File function - User can fill this out in Excel and then Import back into T&M Go using this function
  15. Import Equipment File - This is the same file you generated using the Generate Equipment Grid File function - User can fill this out in Excel and then Import back into T&M Go using this function.
  16. Import Special Materials File - This is the same file you generated using the Generate Special Materials Grid File function - User can fill this out in Excel and then Import back into T&M Go using this function
  17. Generate Project Field sheets - Once you have all your data input into T&M Go - User can generate completed Field Sheets for Labor, Materials, Equipment, Specialty Materials. These will match your data input into T&M Go
  18. Generate Reports for T&M Pro - This will open a dialog to allow you to choose what reports to generate for import into T&M Pro. This is done after you input your daily data into T&M Go.
  19. Exit & Close Program - Click on this to close the program.

Help Menu Defined
  1. T&M Go Help - Click to Open the Help Section
  2. Check for Updates - Click to Check for Program Updates - If an update is available, allow to fully download and extract to 100% then close program and open to allow update to complete
  3. Product Key Details - This will display the Product Key the program used to Activate the Program.
  4. Program Details - Information on Programs and Other Important Notices
  5. Deactivate - Deactivates the Program

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